At what age is it not too late to change your profession?

Elmira Davydova, the director of the career guidance center ProfGuide, a candidate in psychological sciences, and a career and vocational consultant, answers the question.

In their thoughts, people resign themselves to a short life, thinking that 55 years old is already beyond their capabilities. But only 65 years old is the end of middle age. After that, old age begins, but not necessarily senility. When does senility begin? And what is senility anyway? I believe that one should work until the end of their days, throughout their whole life. However, where and how to work, and to what extent, after 55 years old, is worth serious consideration. After all, opportunities, if explored by every thinking person, are abundant, vast, or even medium-sized fields. This is where career guidance comes in. It seeks opportunities in these fields. There are no preconceived answers because life is constantly changing and turning in different directions. And we need to be aware and see everything.

If you are 60 or 70, why not hold a meeting to consider what else you could do, since you still want to act and earn money. The oldest people I have consulted were 65-year-old women. Everything was and is fine for them, and they are resilient and tough people. And what have I done for them? We have created a new turning point based on old knowledge and skills. Two heads are better than one. And I have a lot of knowledge about the different aspects of the world of work.

People who are 40 years old can completely flip their professional path. They can do a somersault or a tectonic shift. Sometimes all they need to do is move a stone from the road. And then the water will flow like a stream.

By the way, recently the ProfGuide career guidance center has developed a precise career orientation test, which will tell you which professions are suitable for you, provide a conclusion about your personality type and intelligence.

Question for a Career Counselor(0)